Monday, April 28, 2008

Lemon-Mint Magic(serves 2) - Beat the Heat..

This goes as an entry to the 'Fun n Sun Event'.

Nothing can be more refreshing than mint. Mint leaves have been enjoyed for its wonderful aroma, its great taste, and its healing power. Mint is well known for its ability to sooth the digestive tract and reduce the severity and length of stomach aches. Lemon is one of the fruits that would strengthen your immune system. If you have flu or colds, try drinking lemon juice. It will relieve the symptoms as well as halt the progress of most infection because of its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Lemon acts as a blood purifier and improves the body’s ability to get rid of toxins.

So, having said all about the benefits of mint and lemon, lets get into a quick magic to beat the heat..

Lemon - 1
Mint Leaves - 10-12 leaves
Ice cubes/crushed ice - 5
Sugar - 4 tsp
Salt(to taste)/ 1 tsp
Water(to taste)/4 Cups

Blend together all the ingredients in a mixer and serve with a lovely fizz on the top.


EC said...

Thats a lovely one Ramya...thanks for participating in the event

Andhra Flavors said...

Hey lemon and mint good combination.

Ramya said...

thank u EC
thanks, andhra flavours..